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发布时间:2023-09-22      来源:威廉体育williamhill      点击量:


Catalog of Monographs, Translations and Papers2018-2023


一、原典翻译Translation of the original text

2018-2023, Published translations of Plato’s original works in Ancient Greek and Chinese comparative edition include: The Apology of Socrates, Euthyphron, Crito, Pheado, Hippias Major, Philebus, The Sophist, Theaetetus, Phaedrus, The Statesman, Ion, The Republic, Laches, Lysis, Charmides, translated and noted by Pu Lin, Beijing, Commercial Press.

2022, Plato's Eros Dialogues, edited by Liang Zhonghe, translated by Li Xinlan and others, Shanghai, Shanghai People's Publishing House.

2022, Collection of Plato's Myths and Fables, edited by Liang Zhonghe, translated by Chen Wei and Chen Ningxin, Shanghai, Shanghai People's Publishing House.



2019.  Liang Zhonghe, Introduction  to  Classical  Platonist  Philosophy , East China Normal University Press.


三、论文集Collection of essays

2022.  Twenty  Lectures  on  Plato's  Dialogues, Edited by Liang Zhonghe,   Commercial Press, 2022.



2018, Paul Natorp, Platos Ideenlehre: Eine Einführung in den Idealismus, translated by Pu Lin, Beijing, Commercial Press.

2018. Plato's Symposium: Issues in Interpretation and Reception, edited by James Lesher, translated by Liang Zhonghe, Beijing, Renmin University of China Press.

2019, Franz Brentano, On the Multiple Meanings of “what is”according to Aristotle, Beijing, Commercial Press.

2020. History  of  Copleston's  Philosophy  Volume  I:  Ancient  Greek  and  Roman Philosophy, translated by Liang Zhonghe, Tianjin, Tianjin People's Publishing House.

2020.Devin Stauffer, The Unity of Plato's  Gorgias, translated by Wu Lili, Beijing, Huaxia Publishing House.

2020. Luc Brisson, Platon, les Mots et les Mythes, translated by Chen Ningxin, East  China  Normal University Press. 

2020. After Plato, Pursuing Wisdom: Biographical Interviews and Essays of Luc Brisson, translated by Sun YIn, East China Normal University Press.

2020. Albert Camus,Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism, translated by Zhu Jiaqi, East China Normal University Press.

2022. Anders Wedberg, Plato's Philosophy of Mathematics, translated by Liu Xiyun, Sichuan  People's  Publishing House.

2022. R.B. Rutherford, The Art of Plato, translated by Kong Xuyou, Oriental Publishing Center.

2023. Dominic J. O'Meara, Platonopolis, Platonic Political Philosophy in Late Antiquity,translated by Pen Yiyin, East China Normal University Press.

2023. Dominic J. O'Meara, Plotinus: An Introduction to the Enneads, translated by Li Bohan, Guangxi Normal University Press.

2023.Self-Knowledge, edited by Ursula Renz, translated by Wang Xuanjie, Oriental Publishing Center.



五、论文Academic papers

2018. Liang Zhonghe, "Anti-Platonists" at the Beginning of Modern Times: The Revival of Epicureanism in the Renaissance and Its Repercussions (World Philosophy, Issue 05, 2018)

2018.Liang Zhonghe, Esquigne  and  its  Fragments  of Alcibiades  (Volume 48  of  Classic and Interpretation, Huaxia Publishing House, January 2018)

2018. Zhang Shuang, Why explore the "state ruler" is a kind of Dialectics training?(Zhejiang Academic Journal, Issue 6, 2018)

2019.Liang Zhonghe, How Philosophy Settles Power: Plato on the Source, Distribution and Use of Power (History of Political Thought, Issue 03, 2019)

2019.Liang Zhonghe, The revival of Pythagoreanism during the Renaissance and its  theoretical encounters (Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities, 2019 Issue 04)

2021.Liang Zhonghe, Lies, Myths and Instructions: Plato's Noble Lies, (China Social Sciences Journal, 2021/12/21/Edition 003.)

2021.Pu Lin, Huang Wanlu, On the Stoic Concept of Pre-Passion and Its Function, (Social Science Research, 2021 Issue 4.)



ΝΟΥΣ: Journal of Greco-Roman Philosophy, Chief Editor Cui Yanqiang and Liang Zhonghe, Shanghai People's Publishing House:

2020. The first series, "Love Wisdom and Education: The Thought and Practice of Ancient Platonism"

2021.  The  second  series,  "Emotion  and  Doubt:  Reflections  on  Reason  in  Greek Philosophy"

2021. The third series, "Desire and Pleasure: A Greek Philosopher on Emotion and the Good Life"

2022. The  fourth  series,  "Reason  and  Concept:  The  Cognitive  Theory  of Ancient Greece"

2023. The  fifith  series, "Perception and Knowledge: Epistemological Issues in Greco-Roman Philosophy"











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